Note: RATIR was removed from the telescope in June 2022.
Calibration data are taken most nights, as the weather and schedule permit.
Biases with C0 and C1 are taken as in visit 0 of program 2012A-0006.
Darks with C0 and C1 with exposure times of 60 seconds are taken in visit 0 of program 2012A-0007.
Evening twilight flats with C0, C1, C2, and C3 are taken in program 2012A-0008. Visit 0 is bright flats and visit 1 is faint flats.
Obtaining Calibration Data
Calibration data can be obtained from the data archive.
Observers are often interested in the calibration file for specific nights. These can be obtained by using globbing in rsync.
For example, to list all of the biases (2012A-0006), darks (2012A-0007), bright flats (2012A-0008/0), and faint flats (2012A-0008/1) for the night of 2017 March 17 UTC, use:
rsync rsync://[678]/*/20170317*.fits
and to download them use:
rsync rsync://[678]/*/20170317*.fits .